Regarding the press
About the handling of press materials:
We can provide you with promotional/publicity images and their identifying data, which must be used only for the purpose of reporting about and publicizing the museum.
Terms of agreement for the use of publicity images loaned by the museum
• First we must receive your written request for images.
• Keeping in mind that images are made available only to media organizations, please introduce yourself and describe your proposed use of images to be loaned by the museum.
• Unfortunately, the museum cannot make images available in response to requests coming from sources other than media organizations or whose purpose is not the publicizing of the museum.
Note 1: Of course, all requests for the use of images of Picasso’s works must first be cleared by the copyright-control office in France.
Note 2: If the copyright-control office in France determines that usage fees apply to the use of requested images, then the media organization submitting a request to use such images will be responsible for paying any such applicable fees.
• Please destroy all images provided by the museum immediately after using them. Please do not store any data provided by the museum or share it with any third parties.
• Images made available by the museum may not be used in any other medium other than that for which usage permission has been requested and approved. Of course, should you wish to use the same images in another medium, or republish them, or rebroadcast them, you will need to submit a separate request for such an additional purpose.
• According to the terms of this agreement, the use of any promotional/publicity images made available by the museum, without its express consent, for the purposes of reproduction, dissemination, and/or profit-making commercialization by any means is explicitly forbidden.
• Wherever images provided by the museum might be published or reproduced, please be sure to indicate in full, in each image’s accompanying caption, the basic identification information for the museum (its full name, location, etc.) as well as each image’s appropriate photo credit. Please include the museum’s basic identification information even if there is no caption or no credit for a particular image.
• The cropping of images made available by the museum and the altering of the identifying information that accompanies them are not allowed. The images may not be processed or modified in any way.
・• Regarding the posting/publication of images of artworks made available by the museum on a website, please enforce copy-guard restrictions by not allowing rightclick enlargements of or the downloading of such images. The resolution of all such image files must not exceed 72 dpi. Their reproduction size must not exceed 400 pixels in height by 400 pixels in width.
• So that we may double-check and confirm the accuracy of basic information (regarding any images that we make available to you), please send copies of your article at its early-draft and page-proof stages to the representatives of the museum’s press office by fax or by e-mail.
• We ask you to kindly send to the representatives of the museum’s press office a copy of the printed newspaper or magazine in which your article has been published, and/or the address (URL) of the website on which it appears.
• The museum makes images available in the form of .jpeg files.
• As noted above, prior to the publication or posting of your article, please be sure to send us your page proofs. In cases in which we do not receive such page proofs to review prior to the publication or posting of articles, we cannot be responsible for their content. Moreover, in cases in which content that has been confirmed by the museum and that of a published article, in which errors might occur, differ, we will not be able to take any responsibility for such errors.
Procedures regarding the loaning of images of artworks
1.First, please contact Ms. Matsumoto, the official in the museum’s press office who handles photo requests.
2.Of course, all requests for the use of images of Picasso’s artworks must first be cleared by the copyright-control office in France. Because we will send the copyrightcontrol office in France a form requesting your exclusive use of certain requested images of Picasso’s artwork, after the filled-in form is received, the representative of the media organization requesting the use of such images will receive directly from the office in France its statement of consent permitting the reproduction of the requested images.
3.Once you have received from the copyright-control office in France its statement of consent granting your media organization permission to reproduce the requested images, please send us, by fax or by e-mail, a copy of that document, along with a summary of your media organization’s proposed use of the requested images (sending your proposal summary in your company’s usual format will be fine).
With regard to your submitted proposal, the agreement covering the use of promotional/publicity images provided by the museum will cover their use only by the media organization by which it was submitted and which has agreed to the terms of the agreement.
4.The requested image files will be sent to you via e-mail.
5.So that we may be able to double-check and confirm the accuracy of basic information (regarding any images that we make available to you), please send copies of your article at its early-draft and page-proof stages to the representatives of the museum’s press office by fax or by e-mail.
6.We ask you to kindly send to the representatives of the museum’s press office a copy of the printed newspaper or magazine in which your article has been published, and/or the address (URL) of the website on which it appears.
About the handling of copyright-related matters:
The copyright governing these materials (images, texts, design, etc.) as well as the artworks that are handled by the Yoku Moku Museum are held by this museum, Picasso Administration (France), and the museums that own the depicted artworks. Beyond one’s own personal use, the use of any of these materials in any way or by any means that exceeds what is permitted by law, without the express permission of their copyright holders, including the reproduction or dissemination of any of this content, is forbidden by law.